Do you find this interview question “Tell me about a weakness” a bit daunting? It will come up in just about every job interview and you can’t dodge it or bluff your way through.
Your response should sound natural, not contrived. And it must be delivered confidently without appearing ‘slick’ and over-rehearsed.
Here are 3 sample responses you can try.
Maybe script them ahead of time in your own words and practise so that you sound natural and confident.
Pick a skill area that’s relevant but not critical to performance, balance it against a relevant strength. Show what you have done to mitigate it.
Example 1:
Interviewer: “Tell me about a weakness.”
Candidate: “As we’ve already discussed I am very good at writing clear, concise reports. I am less comfortable presenting information to large groups so I make sure that I set aside plenty of time to prepare and practice.”
This one is a little riskier. Again, pick something that is relevant but not critical to performance. You can connect this to your motivation for applying for the role.
Example 2:
Interviewer: “Tell me about a weakness.”
Candidate: “As I haven’t worked in (industry name) before there will be an initial learning curve. However, I am confident that my skills in (function) are highly transferable and I learn fast. In fact, broadening my industry experience is one of the key reasons I applied.”
Strengths and weaknesses are often two sides of the same coin. You can even use this one to flush out information about the culture of the organisation or management style of the person you would report to.
Example 3:
Interviewer: “Tell me about a weakness”
Candidate: “I have a real strength in building complex spreadsheets with all the bells and whistles. Sometimes my stakeholders prefer something much simpler which can be a bit frustrating when I know how much value I can add. So, now I focus on clarifying their expectations before putting in a lot of additional design work that won’t be appreciated or used. That gives them what they need and avoids frustration for me.”
Whatever you decide to say, make sure it sounds natural and not contrived. A good interviewer will spot fake or engineered answers easily so your answers must reflect your personality and background.
Be yourself. That’s who they’re getting if they hire you!
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